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дневник заведен 16-08-2002
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amare, Amber2231, Belial, bezzz_dna, Br.Rabbit, Fox-cub, glv12 Marla Zinger, gonchi, Karabas-Barabas, Kristy, Lionessa, Lost Soul, madman, marion, marsohod, Metomorph, Morticia Addams, Noc, sengilei, SolMa, sybol, vladyu, yappi, АЗачемМнеКрылья?, Букля_, гений привычки, Голая девушка, Джей, Димка, Еёный, Ёлочка, Зинка, КатКа, килька, КЛ, Леон, Лохматый папа блюз, натан, Неужели не я?, новембер, Одинокое солнце, ПАРАД УРОДОВ, Скромняга-2, Та, кто шепчет, Чёрт Побери, Эль
[1] 05-02-2004 10:09

Забрел случайно
Пятница, 26 Декабря 2003 г.
17:01 Живу в этой песене...
Muse "Unintended"
You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one I'll always love
You could be the one who listens
Тo my deepest inquisitions
You could be the one I'll always love
I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken
pieces of the life I had before
First there was the one who challenged
All my dreams and all my balance
She could never be as good as you
You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You should be the one I'll always love
I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken
pieces of the life I had before
I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before
Before you