14-04-2005 23:02 Биографическое
Это в application на стипендию.

I was born on 28th of July 1984 in Voronezh, Russia, crying angrily about something, probably milk. I have contemplated silently about life in general and diapers in particular until I was three, when I uttered my first word, which was “machine”. Having greatly surprised my parents by that, I proceeded without interruption to memorizing all brands of cars in the vicinity of my home. This was undoubtedly an extremely useful knowledge, which I have regrettably completely forgotten by now.

The same pattern emerged in high school. I have been an exceptionally typical student right until the 9th grade when I won the city’s math Olympiad. This time the person that was astonished most of all was myself. Regardless of that, I have developed a superior ego and promptly lost 10th and 11th grade Olympiads. It didn’t help my ego however. I have been ashamed to receive three honors during graduation ceremony because there was one another person who got four.

Later I got admitted to Voronezh State University, the best University in Russia according to one very suspicious study. The University had a profoundly pronounced smell about it. I have learned enormously practical concepts like Abel groups, Jordan forms and good exam timing. Disappointed with all three, I have immediately decided to transfer somewhere, preferably to Harvard or Sorbonne.

Having transferred to Alcorn State University, Mississippi, and staying there for a year (Ah! Lakes and forests and pastures and nearest barbershop 30 miles south) I understood that I won’t get a job at Google if I remain there. I probably won’t get a job at Google anyways, but it was worth a try. And so I came to BYU.

When I graduate I won’t be a best computer programmer in the world. I’ll become one later.
14-04-2005 23:29
Голос Аркана
Не патриот вы, батенька
14-04-2005 23:45
А мое первое слово было "мама"
14-04-2005 23:52
отличный application по моему разумению
15-04-2005 00:06
Хорошо информированный оптимист
I have been ashamed to receive three honors during graduation ceremony because there was one another person who got four.
Чего сие значит?

И вообще почему именно в гугл?
15-04-2005 00:15
"и получает грамоты по математике, английскому языку и информатике"

Гугл прикольный
15-04-2005 00:17
Хорошо информированный оптимист
А хто получил четыре?

Чего же в гугле прикольного такого? А сан там, оракл -- не?
15-04-2005 00:50
а мона вопрос: почему Воронежский ГУ самый лучший в России?
15-04-2005 00:52
Здесь, где нет меня...
Потому что я в нем учусь!
15-04-2005 01:42
15-04-2005 08:47
Хорошо информированный оптимист
Да ну, фигня. Отстойный у нас университет, ничего в нем хорошего нет.
15-04-2005 13:04
Камрад с блокнотиком
> а мона вопрос: почему Воронежский ГУ самый лучший в России?
Сказано же — по данным одного очень подозрительного исследования

> a best computer programmer
“Best” не бывает “a”, только “the” и “one of the”
Текст красивый, да
15-04-2005 13:22
Centaur > a best computer programmer
“Best” не бывает “a”, только “the” и “one of the”
ага, поучи проживающего в США по-английски говорить
15-04-2005 14:13
Камрад с блокнотиком
Ну я не знаю, как у них там говорят, но по нормам письменного языка и здравого смысла best бывает только единственный.
15-04-2005 21:48
Centaur прав

Теперь у него консультируйся!