Бэкки Тэтчер
28-02-2010 23:05
Образ Бекки Тэтчер не вяжется с размеренностью или степенностью. Бекки - это неугомонная энергия, море радости и неиссякаемый источник веселых проделок.
Именно этим мне и нравится эта маленькая девочка. Она свободна. Ей чужды условности, ссоры, заботы и обязанности взрослого мира.
Не уверена, смогла бы я хотя бы день прожить ее жизнью, но от пары часов не отказалась бы точно
В последнее время на меня усиленно наступает грусть-тоска, но я борюсь с ней всеми силами, чего и вам желаю. Давайте сделаем над собой последнее усилие и победим авитаминоз и обострение у идиотов. Уверена, мы сможем.

Еще час - и первое марта. Мы почти в тепле и свете, поздравляю вас!
28-02-2010 23:40
башня из слоновой кости
Бекки Тэтчер В последнее время на меня усиленно наступает грусть-тоска, но я борюсь с ней всеми силами, чего и вам желаю )

Tiny annoying thing
tagetes авитаминоз)))

свет очей моих
И тут все зеленое, яблочное!!!
Мы уже почти победили зиму и победим авитаминоз, да!

01-03-2010 01:37
Образ Бекки Тэтчер не вяжется с размеренностью или степенностью. Бекки - это неугомонная энергия, море радости и неиссякаемый источник веселых проделок. - забавно
Но мне почему-то здесь гораздо спокойнее...

Tiny annoying thing
Aquarelle как раз под цвет моих любимых яблок)))) Победим еще как)) Я вот витаминки купила)

Leedal мне тоже, удивительно, но факт.
Я здесь никому не должна быть злой и жесткой, а там почему-то бьюсь за все и вся

Бекки Тэтчер
Весна пришла? Яблоки?
Образ этого дневника, как раз и ассоциируется с размеренностью и спокойствием.

Tiny annoying thing
Northern Wind вечные яблоки, да)

Бекки Тэтчер
Ну куда же ты без зеленого цвета?
За что спасибо?

Tiny annoying thing
Northern Wind for compliments))
You know, some people don't even know about my love to green)))

Бекки Тэтчер
Yes, I have forgotten. It is necessary to speak in English?
Compliments? I did not think them to do, a diary really quiet and warm, but so it even is better.

Yes, in general very few people on the present knows you. And color... I think, it is difficult to be not noticing.

P.S. Spelling in Opere is a wonderful thing.

Tiny annoying thing
Northern Wind no, you can speak russian. But if you don't mind I'll speak with you in english.

Sometimes I think that there is only one man who knows me. You.
By the way you are winner of question competition. Again

I didn't use green in my previous design.

Opere? What's that?

Let's make so if I am not lazy I will answer in English. You, of course, write in English. I easily read even the academic texts so there are no problems.

No, already I do not know. Therefore sometimes I do not understand you (in very deep sense). That pleases. So it is more interesting.
Though... Probably it is so.

By the way you are winner of question competition. Again
I did not doubt Actually questions were very easy.

Really never used? And in a diary littlesunshine? Cannot be.

I was mistaken. Opera, not Opere.

отредактировано: 01-03-2010 21:36 - Northern Wind

Tiny annoying thing
Northern Wind I AM not IS

It is so. Somewhere in deep even I can't understand my reasons and feelings completely.

Questions were easy because they do not know me.

Not never. Once. Or, no. Twice. Winter design before Christmas version was light-blue with dark red.
And after Christmas was purple-brown-sand theme. Very beautiful, I loved it.

I understand))

Бекки Тэтчер
Northern Wind I AM not IS
Yes, a shameful error.

It is so. Somewhere in deep even I can't understand my reasons and feelings completely.
Can be. But earlier I understood it too . But you have been changing.

Questions were easy because they do not know me.
I have not thought of it.

I understand)
OK. It is a pity that it does not check grammar.

Tiny annoying thing
Northern Wind I'm not changed since we broke up.
Just let some things out of my mind and control. But you are right. Sometimes you understand me better than I do.

I don't want to check your English grammar. And Russian too! )))))

Бекки Тэтчер
Yes, it so.

I don't want to check your English grammar. And Russian too! )))))

I spoke not about you, but about Opera. If you start checking my english and (оh, Jesus!) russian grammar it will be awful.

Tiny annoying thing
Northern Wind I'm not THAT bad.
Just little know-it-all))))

And still you have been changing. I do not speak about global things. You do not notice, and I feel it.

Tiny annoying thing
Northern Wind maybe you have changed as well.
Besides we do not talk much nowadays

Бекки Тэтчер
Just little know-it-all))))

Yes! It is indisputable.

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