14:22 29-04-2011
I like my dairy new design )) It is rather cold and soft at the same time) I always liked colors like these ones.

But the story I wanted to tell isn't about colors and my attitude to it. This story is about my world.
Little girl wakes up early in the morning and likes to spend time before breakfast near the river admiring sun reflection on the water surface and watching little fishes bustling about among rocks and grass in the river stream. She smiles and there are no sad ideas or problems in her pretty little head. She is charmed by the world and believes that every day will be happy and sunny. I take her hand and we walk along river bank and I tell her fairy-tales about other worlds and different creatures. And these stories are kind. My little princess is again with me) Her eyes are shining and she wants more stories and she is laughing because she is only little child and she is supposed to laugh and ask questions about everything she sees feels and touches. I love her so much that all words in the whole world are just fade away not describing what I feel right now. I look at her and ask - Where have you been so long? Why did you return only now?
She looks at me and her eyes are still smiling. She keeps silence and I understand that I won't hear any answer. Because all words and all explanations are useless. She is here with me and it's the most important thing in my life.
Nothing is important except little girl looking into my soul though my eyes and smiling to me with a smile of a God.
Группы: [ English ] [ stories about her ]