09-06-2004 17:14
На сайте Something Awful, который вот уже несколько лет не устает поднимать мое настроение своими язвительными и остроумными публикациями, появилась статья под названием The Internet's Most Wanted List, в которой со свойственным авторам сайта юмором перечислены персоны, ответственные за появление вредоносных для Интернета программ.

Список подобных преступных программ, по мнению авторов, возглавляют следующие имена:

1. Macromedia Flash
However, somewhere during his product's devolution, this noble idea was abandoned and the main purpose of his software centered around displaying annoying full screen popup ads with surround sound, full motion video, and 1x1 pixel "click here to close ad" boxes which don't even work if you can somehow manage to squeeze your mouse pointer into the miniscule target area.

2. RealNetworks RealMedia
Luckily RealNetworks continues to release a new version of RealPlayer, RealArcade, RealRhapsody, ReaLemon, and RealAwfulShit every two hours, so you can always be sure that once you've finished downloading the current 263-meg build of bloated software, there will be an even newer, more bloated piece of crap for you to install. After all, you wouldn't want to miss out on such crucial features as instant online grocery list randomization, mood-based graphic equalization database tracking, and some kind of shitty chat software which allows you to communicate with people who type out smiley faces for a living.

3. Apple QuickTime
QuickTime, while being a whole hell of a lot less annoying than RealGarbage, still continuously finds fresh and exciting new ways to annoy anybody forced to use it. First of all, no Apple, I do not want to pay to upgrade your terrible software so I have the ability to watch 30 seconds of the "Spiderman 2" preview in full screen, but I really honestly truly do appreciate you throwing a popup registration window in my face requesting money each and every time your program runs.

4. Adobe Acrobat Reader
Despite being a program whose sole purpose is to display online copies of VCR operating instructions, Acrobat has somehow grown into a monstrous entity which not only annoys you to download it for nearly every information file out there, but then continues to annoy you to download various additional components so it can be even more annoying.

Особенно меня посмешили "people who type out smiley faces for a living"
Почитайте статью целиком, да и вообще полистайте сайт, там множество забавных материалов, разумеется, на английском
09-06-2004 17:41
Поизголяться штоль... над переводчиком. )))

09-06-2004 22:59
Супер статья :) Давно так не смеялся.
А вообще полностью согласен с автором :)

Злой модератор ФК
Прикотльно.. Мне RealAwfulShit понравилось.
Спасибо за ссылку!
