дневник заведен 08-07-2007
Москва, Россия
[4] 20-05-2024 10:30

04-09-2015 19:08 im actually thinking
to write most of my blog notes in english

well - except maybe some long texts - like briefs of videogames plots

you will not like it, i know)
and - it will be like super awkward bulletproof tadgikistanian engrish

but. BUT IMSORRY - but i need to train ingrishing somehow and im kinda too lazy to make 100500 blog accounts for different purpoises. well i CAN make different account but i just know that i cant keep the pace.... mean - the flow... of some sort... mean - i just cant. too freaking complicated. not gonna happen. nain. fucking nyyyyet. its either this blog or forget it. and you know what - im kinda dont want to forget it

so im thinkin' bout it
Whore for a cold world
That's a very good idea! I like it. And I will read your posts in english so I can improve my english too.
well. i thinking that it can be pretty good idea, if im actualy make another accout
but - i need to write something useful there. not usual trash that im flushing here

idk. maybe travel blogs can be useful... maybe actually make some photos like USUAL travelling ass. tell about countries
i have very rare lifestyle. and visit countries that pretty uncommon for usual inglish speakers. why not?
05-09-2015 03:04
Totally fine with me, no dfference for me at all. Lol)