Бэкки Тэтчер
15-03-2010 12:36
Did you know, that British children start to use articles and endings at the age of four?
I feel like four year old now))))
Это [ TOEFL ]
просто богиня
I'm 3 year old

Funny little bookworm
afyna Lucky girl)))))

19-03-2010 11:47
адепт БОУИзма
I think, I'm about 5 or so))

I remember, when my parents and I were in Germany, there were a lot of German children. They sang songs, joked etc., and we listened to them. But then my mother said to me (I was 11 at that time): "Just listen! They are younger than you, but they speak German much better!" Now I laugh when I think of it, but at that moment I was very offended)))

Tiny annoying thing
SIRI Just listen! They are younger than you, but they speak German much better!" it's because they are GERMAN children! And you are Russian. I think there is nothing to be offended of.

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