заметки на полях шляпы
дневник заведен 30-03-2003
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Киев, Северодонецк, Украина
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Суббота, 25 Сентября 2004 г.
14:17 спам я теперь получаю особенный
"markmbomi@sify.com" <markmbomi@bumerang.ro>
Четверг 13:03:29

Ottam Refugee Camp,
Zone Portaire,
Ottam-lomei 9224,

Dear Sir,

Greeting to you, I am the son of the late Richard Mbomi Matingua (a foremost human rights activist in the Democratic Republic of Congo).My father died on febuary. 28th, 2004, as a result of the inhuman treatment meted out on him while in prison by the government of Laurent Joseph Kabila.

However, it is particularly important to mention here that before the death of my father, he was a successful businessman and his business empire includes real estate, exportation, and consultancy services which cut across Africa.He was able to accumulate enough money both in local and foreign currencies through his business empire. In fact, he was at one time rated among the first five richest Congolese businessmen by one of the leading business magazines in my country. His entire business has been on the upward trend over the past ten years, bringing his net profit during the period under review to Nine Million Seven Hundred Thousand U.S Dollars ($9.7M), This of course does not include his assets which are already running into Millions of Dollars.

Having said all this, there was a twist in my father's success story
following his confrontation with the government of Laurent Joseph Kabila, who has been quite high-handed and dictatorial in his policies and day-to-day running of the affairs of the Congolese people. My father being a human rights activist, criticised his government in both local and international newspapers.This infuriated him and he clamped my father in jail until he died on Feb. 28,2004, this year due to ill health. Fortunately, before the arrest of my father,his attorney acting upon his instructions, transferred the sum of Nine Million Seven Hundred Thousand U.S Dollars ($9.7m) from his local banks to a Security Firm Abroad. He did this for fear of his accounts being frozen by the government.Following my father's death, my entire family decided to seek political  assylum in Ottam-lomei,Lome-Togo.As the eldest son of my late father and according to our tradition in Africa.I have now inherited all my father's wealth.

Considering the present face-off between Laurent Joseph Kabila and my family,I was then advised by my father's attorney (presently my attorney) to seek the assistance of someone based in your country to receive the amount in question being($9.7m).Since I have the intention of relocating my family there with the aim of settling down there and investing. I have decided to give you 25% of the total amount for your services and assistance.

To finalize this transaction you will have to contact me via my e-mail address above & [email]markmbomi@sify.com[/email], further discussions will be centered on how and when you shall be meeting with the Security Firm Shortlisted Clearing Agent.I shall expect you to keep this transaction confidential due to the present circumstance of my family and I urgently await your response.

Yours faithfull
Mark Mbomi Matingua.

Acest email a fost trimis din interfata web http://www.bumerang.ro
Среда, 22 Сентября 2004 г.
17:42 ну, понеслась... скачали mandrake 10.1 community
объявление о начале его распространения уже разошлось в массах... а там на подходе official 10.1, и новый debian, и новая suse, и... начались труды)))
14:08 тихая заводь
приняла меня в свои воды. заводь называется http://lafox.net.
...и я таки еще займусь этим самым неймингом. обещаю. )))
13:52 глючит ли ру в конквероре по-страшному
вчера мне рассказали историю с отравлением ющенко. смех и грех... обалдевши, схватила первую подвернувшуюся газету. ею оказались “вв”. это тимошенково издание, лояльное ющенковской команде. нашла там много поводов поудивляться. но сейчас решительно не помню, что это было. а помню совсем другое, старое новье: просекин, старый знакомец, осел там в качестве редактора новостей с мира. это он со приятелем... эх, склероз... приятель куда интереснее, надо сказать... - так вот, это они пару лет назад ездили автостопом до афгана и по афгану. черт... в приступе ностальгии схватила нынче на лотке “экзо”. они чуть только не слизали стиль верстки “адреналина” )) не забыть бы наконец добраться до месяц и до магистра – с месяц спросить, кто это там перекупает у нее права на “адреналин”, а магистру отдать, наконец, материалы, зависшие у меня года так ..на три, что ли... и заодно эту книгу – но не магистру, а старому бенкендорфу. вот черт... его книжка у меня пятый год сидит. вчера, опять же (ностальгия опутала), разбирала завалы на столе, откопала ее, открыла на середине – и вдруг как присосалась...

“фра беато анжелико” гумилевское = тень волошина.
Вторник, 7 Сентября 2004 г.
12:49 как яндекс меня с днем рождения поздравил