дневник заведен 08-07-2007
Москва, Россия
Вторник, 15 Сентября 2015 г.
21:01 sometimes
Sometimes I have a feeling that job is just sucking my soul.

Usually it's when I'm not in a mood of writing.
And usually it's doesn't matter. I still need to write.
And I can't do it mechanically. I cannot fake it. Well - tehnically I can, but in the end it just became more painful with less result.
19:53 game
where you get only fame for "hero" quests
and only money for "evil" ones
13:05 eating khinkali
newbie way - with fork
common way - with hands
professional way - with fork
10:51 Ultraamericans
Перевод Кураж-бамбей в кинотеатре - неожиданно.

В целом мне нравится такой псевдо-реалистичный экшон, однако кино в целом на троечку с плюсом. Смотрибельное. Было бы лучше, если бы практически все персонажи не вели бы себя как кретины.
09:16 yep
08:33 Woman on Mars
Some creepy optical illusion. No photoshop, only Curiosity and imagination.
08:28 By the way
There was 2474 nuclear bombs exploded on Earth thru history.