18:05 26-12-2007 never say never, but..
... i'm promising myself again not to contact them... them all and each one of them.. the men of the crawling away year... the men who made my life more comfortable, more vivid, more exciting, brighter, not as boring, sexier, who made me feel a woman... and that is why i keep looking for their support and attention, when they are not ready to give it any more or yet... or because they want something back that i do not give or because they've already got what they wanted to and realize that i have no plan to give more.. or simply because they are afraid that i'd leave them one day when i get disappointed...
and all i can say back is a HUGE WHATEVER... and keep going forward with no regret or sorrow... Good-bye, my Men of the past years!! A big farewell to Yall!
And a big WELCOME to my future caring, loving, gentle, strong, wise, fun, smart, unique Man of the Future!!!!! yeah.. right...