His Sad Shadow
22:59 01-08-2004
Greeting Card: "Come, comrade Bender! We must take to the streets!"
Bender: "Um, is this the boring, peaceful kind of taking to the streets?"
Greeting Card: "No, the kind with looting! And maybe starting a few fires."
Bender: "Yes! In your face, Gandhi!"

Greeting Card: "No, comrade Bender! Liquor is the opiate of the human bourgeoisie."
Bender: "Say what?"
Greeting Card: "In the glorious robot workers'paradise, there will be no liquor! Only efficient synthetic fuels."
Bender: "No liquor? Do svidaniya, comrade!"

Preacherbot: "I see a lot of fancy robots here today. Made of real shiny metal. But that don't impress the robot devil, no sir!"
Robot: "No, sir!"
Preacherbot: "Cause if you're a sinner, he's gonna plug his infernal modem in the wall, belching smoke and flame, and is gonna download you straight to robot hell."
Robot: "Straight to hell!"
Preacherbot: "So I ask you, who will stand up and be saved? Who? Who?"
Bender: "Me!"

Bender: "Friends! Friends! Surely you're not going to eat before we say robot grace. In the name of all that is good and logical, we give thanks for the chemical energy we are about to absorb. To quote the prophet Jer-a-matic, one zero zero zero one zero one zero one zero one zero one..." *time passes* "...zero zero one zero one one zero zero one...two. Amen."
Fry: "Does that mean we can eat now?"

Bender: "Don't worry, guys. I'll never be too good or too evil again. From now on, I'll just be me."
Leela: "Uh, do you think you could be just a little less evil than that?"
Bender: "I dunno. You think you could survive a seven hundred foot fall?"
Fry: "Heh heh. Good old Bender."

Current music: Разные Люди - Ангел
Состояние: плохое