23:51 16-09-2010 New creation
Some day I desided that never will be like I was. That weak little girl is too unsuitable in my present environment.
I hate when people, who elder than me, thinks that they have more rights than I have. They are wrong, smart people understand that. I know one big-big example. But I hate to argue. But they are forcing me.

I see how big, famous people are doubt. They talk bullshit everywhere, especially on tv. They are fools!
23:56 16-09-2010
They are wrong, smart people are understand that.

you should write "smart people understand that"
00:42 17-09-2010
yes u're right thank u!! What is your english level?
20:21 17-09-2010
D-Fox Once I have heard the phrase of some person, do not remember exactly who, but seems like it was some writer. It was actually about the right to vote at the election:
"I never understood why it was considered that 35-year fool votes better than 15-year clever"

Though it is about the right for voting, it is perfectly describes the same idea you have mentioned.
21:29 28-09-2010
croix thank you for your attention to my theme. I really do not understand some people, who live longer than me.