02:04 23-06-2007 Sailing ~! :)
Gota check and make sure all my boat works before get to beach!!! o_O
then, Sailing Day 1 Commences
it was sooooo fun, i will take you sailing next summer!!!! we can go to DC and rent a boat here for $20 an hour, or for $10 an hour depending what size we want!!

00:33 24-06-2007
This must have been so great!!! =))
Thought it doesn't look warm at all, hope you didn't get cold =)
18:30 28-06-2007
ohhh it was pretty warm!!! i was shirtless...

but the next day you will seee things had changed!

ahhh help me put pictures under my name for an avatar!!!
00:55 29-06-2007
Sure, hon, just send me these pics and I will put them for you!